Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wow!! Keyshia Cole family is beefing for real!!

Okay...soooo. Im sure you heard about the whole Keyshia Cole family beef. If you have not then you late as ever!! So Keyshia and her family have fallen under the reality television curse. They are falling apart. Keyshia was all about reuniting her family on the first and second season of "The Way It Is". I believe that things went wrong when they wanted to do a third season of the show and Keyshia refused to do it. So that is how the Frankie and Neffe show came about. Keyshia wouldnt do it and she asked them not to as well. With there no found celebrity Im sure they was like whatever Keyshia we gon do it, and that is how the beef started. So Keyshia had not been taliking to her sisters and her mother, she officially cut them off. She also cut off there kids as well. Now Im not ine to judge because her family is a hot mess, but who's family isn't I mean we all got people in our family that act a fool sometime, however they are not on national television for the whole world to see. I understand Keyshia got a baby on the way but damn..blood is always thicker than water! The whole thing jumped off when Frankie was on the Ryan Cameron Show airing out Keyshia's business. This caused Keyshia to respond to the beef, and then her youngest sister Elite responded as well. Here is everything right below. I want to know what ya'll think....Let's talk about it!!


“To all my friends and fans,
It’s time that I clear the air. It’s not a secret that I haven’t been in contact with my mother Frankie, and my sisters Neffe and Elite and I never wanted to air out our differences to the public. While I won’t go into detail here I find it necessary to let you guys know I decided to stop communication with them because I was at a point in my life where I needed serenity and peace to move forward. Please know I love my family very much but it was time to let it go. You guys are a witness to a lot of what was happening from watching on air and online. Now that I am becoming a mom my passion for having a loving and peaceful home for my child is my #1 priority. It’s very important to both Daniel and I. My plate is very full; I have a new baby coming, we are planning our wedding and I am working in the studio on a new album that I am close to completing. The stress that my family is giving me with their constant false reports is not healthy and it’s not what I need at this time in my life. Please understand that there are only a few people that can officially confirm or deny anything that’s happening in my life and that’s me, Daniel, and my publicist, Tresa Sanders. And my girl Monica never lies.”
Love Your Girl,

Then Elite makes a comment....

Now I cant speak for others I can only speak for myself. I have done Absolutely nothing wrong! I was asked a question by Fans and I Responded with a Truthful and Honest answer! It is K.C's choice not speak and have no communication with me for her own Personal Issues! I Believe that My Son and My Sister Neffe's Children should not be Involved.

I have supported My Sister Keyshia in her Career, became her Personal Assistant at one point, love her genuinely, and even Supported her decision on dating Mr.Gibson! Ive Earned and Worked for everything i have received in the last 4years. I Pray someday we will all realize that we are Family and must stick together! Hopefully Keyshia will allow her Biological Family be apart of her New Family, I would Hate to miss out on the joy of her New Addition (Baby Boy Or Girl) After all we've been through, were all human, no one is perfect, no family is exempt!

Indeed My Mother Frankie needs Help and I Intend to do everything I can, but i will never Disown nor give up on her just because of the Judgement [sic] of people cold/cruel Hearts. She gave me Life and I Respect her for that.

I Trust, Believe and have Faith in GOD which is why I'm blessed (Appreciative and Grateful) Through all the Challenges that comes my way their is a Lesson Learned, I'm taking notes and ready to take these Challenges Head On. I have not used anyone!!!!!!! Held my own even before the Lights, Camera, Action!

My Mother has done things that any parent would for her children but she does not take care of me under any circumstance (nor anyone else for that matter) My son is well taken care of by me and his father as well. No one owes me anything! I GRIND daily and will continue to do so while still have a Loving, Supportive Adoptive Family By My Side who has been there since birth. When you have PEACE and HAPPINESS within yourself then their is nothing no one can do or say to take that away . .....

No Love Lost......Live to Love Life


This is deep!!! I hope ya'll get it together!!

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