Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Video!! Diamond "Lotta $$$$"

Okay soooo I know that you remember Diamond from Crime Mobb right! Okay well she has left them for some time now and since she has left she had a few cameo appearances in a few videos but never one of her own. So here it go!! I actually like this cut and I am happy to see Diamond doing her thing! I love all of her different looks too. I love the way she was at the table with one cat and giving her digits to another cat with her fingers behind his back!! That issshhh is GANGASTA YA DIGG!! I really like the way that her and Princess are in the video together since allegedly they were beefing! She has come a LOOOONNNNGGG WAY from her Crime Mob days I tell you! Any how check out the video and "Let's Talk about It"!


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