Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Music!! Que (formerly of Day 26) "Shake It"

Okaaayyyyy so I know that this ain't right but I had to post it. I was on Mediatakeout.com and I saw where there are no clubs or venues willing to book Chris Brown for his 21st Birthday Party right!! It's soooo sad but it is what it is he is officially over!! :( Now I think I know who is gonna take his spot! I love Chris Brown's music but he got himself in something that may be hard to fix now. I was listening to new music and came across this joint right here and I must say that Que is the new Chris Brown!!! I mean it wouldn't been able to happen unless Chris Brown's career wasn't close to over! He can sing and ya'll know he could dance! I know....I know we don't dabble in this over here at CTP but I had to speak on this joint! Check this cut out and "Let's Talk about It"!


Music by Singersroom.com | More on Que Mosley

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