Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Music!! Nivea "Love Hurts"

Okay.....sooooo Im sure that you can tell that I like Nivea right?! Well I think she is one of the many artists that have gotten over looked due to poor management and or promotional issues. Nivea has always been hot to me even before she became Lil Wayne's baby mama. Bet ya'll didn't know that's how The Dream got on huh??!! Yeah he was her husband and started writing for her and others and then he blew up!! Hmmmmm funny how he fails to mention her as a part of his success. Any how you know we don't get into all of that here @ CTP!! Lol...My girl got a new album coming out and this is allegedly going to be her first single, or they could just be giving us a taste and throwing it on a mixtape. You know how it goes now a days!! Well Check this cut out that Im certain you would be able to relate to and "Let's talk about It"!!!


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