Friday, March 27, 2009

Awww Man!!! Good luck on your Road to Redemption T.I.!!!

Okay....Soooooo I was on one of my favorite sites today and I read that today is the day that T.I. is going into the joint....I am so sad for him but I know that he is a strong man and I wish him the best. For those that don't know the details of his sentencing he will serve one day and one year. He got the one day added so that he can have 15% of his sentencing taken away as long as he has good behavior. In all actuality he will serve about 10 months.

I got to give T.I. many big ups because although it was in his probation to do the community service thing he really touched my heart with the show he had "Road to Redemption". I mean I think he really learned from his mistakes and although he is a felon and he wasn't supposed to touch any guns whatsoever we have to remember his bff had just lost his life in front of him and I am sure that he felt that if he had of had some type of gun power at that time maybe he could have saved him. He probabey felt like he had to protect his life and his family. I mean that's what I got from watching him over the past year before he was to go in. He has been all over the country speaking on violence and with this show I really think he touched some people especially the kids that he was trying to reach...I'm gonna leave you with a clip of one of the last show's from T.I.. and a fellow by the name of Pee Wee that didn't quite take his advice.

T.I. and Pee Wee


  1. Mrs. Clifford Harris!March 28, 2009 at 8:46 PM

    I'll be here when you get home baby!!!! My baby gone be alright!!!!!!!!!

  2. That nigga a snitch fuck t.i.police

  3. Wow!! Why I keep hearing that??Why do people think he a snitch?
