Sunday, March 29, 2009

No Bitchassness huh?!?!! Yeah right!!

Okay so I'm a reality t.v. head and I think I told ya'll that before. I was watching MTB4 as I do every friday on my Dvr although it airs every thursday and I witnessed exactly why Diddy came up with the saying no bitchassness...This is showing how one bad apple can spoil the bunch, but to the guys of Day 26...One monkey don't stop no drop the dead weight and keep it least in my eyes!!

I mean it's so bad they had to tell this dude momma on him!! Please leave your comments, and let's talk about it!

Que's Bitchassness Outbreak


  1. I use to love this man. But I can totally see the gayness in him now! over him!

  2. He a hoe! bitchassness at it's finest!!!

  3. this man is such a bitch!! I'm sorry but he needs a life!

  4. leave him alone!!!!!

  5. BITCHASSNESS!!!! definition- Q of Day 26

  6. I'm so disappointed in Q. He's so talented but seems to be very troubled. I dont think he really appreciate his situation. I tell you what, let him have to come work at the post supermarket with me! I bet he's be wishing he could get back to stardom!!! They just dont appreciate there position. Would love to trade with him or any celebrity.
